D. E. S Reserve the right to refuse or to terminate its services offered to the public or a specific customer at any given time or for any reason we see fit.
In order to use D. E. S shipping services, all users (thereafter shipper, you, client, customer, he, she, him, her, etc) MUST agree to the T&C on which D. E. S offers it’s services to the public.
If you do not accept the T&C of D. E. S please do not proceed with setting up an account.
1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions for D. E. S
D. E. S and its website (this “Website”) is governed by the terms and conditions contained herein as well as the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy posted on the Website (“Terms”).
These terms are legally binding on all users of our Services and Website and constitute a legally binding agreement between you (“User” or “Importer”) and the Company.
By accessing this Website, and/or by using our Services, you expressly and irrevocably agree to the terms and to abide by the terms.
These terms currently list the Company’s current policies and terms and conditions, please bear in mind that the terms may be adjusted from time to time at the Company’s discretion but not without notifying the public.
If you do not agree with any of our terms, you should not, under any circumstances, utilize our Services or Website.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
A. Ownership
All content, text, images, data, information and other material displayed, available or present on this Website (“ It’s Contents”), including any intellectual property rights in such Content (including without limitation trademarks and copyrights) or other intellectual property rights associated with the Website (hereinafter “Intellectual Property Rights”), are the property of D. E. S, its licensors, or designated owners and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws.
You should assume that everything you sees or reads on this Website is protected by intellectual property rights unless otherwise noted, and may not be used without the written permission of D. E. S or the respective owner except as provided in these Terms.
All Company trademarks are listed on the trademark list posted on the Website, which may be updated from time to time and which is incorporated herein.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
B. Authorized and Prohibited Uses
You may access, use, and display this Website on a computer, or mobile device and download and print copies of the Content only for non-commercial, informational or personal use, without modification or alteration in any way, as long as you comply with these Terms and all applicable laws.
If you violates these Terms and/or any applicable laws, your permission to use our Service or Website can be terminated.
You may not otherwise reproduce, sell, publish, distribute, modify, display, or use any Content or portion of this Website without the proper written permission of the Company; provided, however, if the functionality of the Website permits the e-mailing of certain Content or a link through the use of an “e-mail to a friend” (or similar) icon, you may send that particular Content to others by e-mail.
You may not infringe upon any Intellectual Property Rights or remove or modify related intellectual property and/or proprietary notices contained in this Website or the Content.
C. Registration and Passwords
D. E. S require you to register for an account in order to utilize our services and to gain access to some features or portions of this Website.
It shall be a condition of use of this Website that all the details supplied during registration are correct, current, and complete.
If the Company believes that the details are not correct, current, or complete, the Company will have the right to deny the use of the Service, access to the Website, or any of its resources, and to suspend and/or terminate your account.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any password(s) and registration details given to access this Website, you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password(s) and/or registration details.
By accepting our T&C you agree to notify the Company immediately of any unauthorized use of your password(s) and/or registration details.
The Company reserves the absolute right, in its sole discretion, not to issue a password to any person or entity at its as seen fit.
3. Website and Registration Administration
A. Website and Other Information
As a convenience to you, the Company may in its sole discretion include certain content, tools, and resources on this Website regarding Customs, and other third parties that may affect the use of the Service, and/or that may influence the final cost of the Service.
The Company has no obligation to provide such third party information on this Website, and you acknowledge that (whether or not such information is provided on this Website) the Company is not responsible for providing any such information or for the accuracy, completeness, legality of the content, tools, and resources on this Website. Moreover, the inclusion of such content, tools, and resources does not constitute professional advice and may not be construed as a means to circumvent applicable laws.
B. Linking
No link shall be made to any page of this Website, except a direct link to the home page www.dufairyexpressshipping.com, without framing. In addition, any link to this Website must be immediately followed by notice to the Company via e-mail at Info@dufairyexpressshipping.com .
Moreover, in the event the Company deems your link inappropriate, the Company may provide notice concerning the removal or modification of the link, by accepting this T&C you agree to comply with any and all requirements of the Company relating thereto.
Upon notifying the Company of your link to the Website, depending on the website or page that is linked, the company may approve or disapprove of the link.
If disapproved, you may not publish the link to this Website until the Company gives clearance, otherwise you are to discontinue the link until further notice.
C. Third Party Sites and Other Information
As a convenience to you, this Website may contain Content, links, and other information submitted by third parties over whom the Company has no control or responsibility. The Company has no obligation to monitor, control, or restrict the use of this Website or third party websites accessible via links on this Website.
These other sites are not under the control of the Company, and you acknowledge that (whether or not such sites are affiliated in any way with the Company) the Company is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of such sites.
The inclusion of such a link does not imply endorsement of any site by the Company or any association with its operators. Moreover, the Company has no obligation to verify any Content submitted by any user or third party or to provide any registration or other information to you concerning any Content.
D. The authority of Website Administrator
The Company may in its discretion modify, edit, translate, suspend, restrict access to, or terminate the Service and/or this Website, these Terms, the Content, or any link at any time without liability or prior notice.
The Company may in its discretion terminate the browsing of, registration with, and use of this Website by any User at any time without liability or prior notice for any reason, including for any breach of these Terms.
4. User Requirements and Obligations
A. Compliance
You must comply with all applicable laws in connection with the use of our Service and this Website.
B. Unsuitable Conduct
You are not allowed to engage in, conduct on or in connection with the Service or this Website that is illegal, misleading, infringing, defamatory, obscene, offensive, or otherwise objectionable.
Neither are you allowed to cause damage, embarrassment, or adverse publicity to the Company.
C. User Cooperation and Notification
You are required to cooperate with all reasonable requests of the Company and will notify the Company promptly upon learning of any actual or suspected breach of these Terms by unauthorized use or abuse of the Service or this Website VIA your account.
D. Warranty Disclaimers, Limitations on Liability, and Remedies
The Service and this Website, its Content, and its links are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and are used only at the sole risk of User, to the fullest extent permissible by law.
The Company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, of any kind, regarding the Service (including its forwarding schedule, clearance schedule, delivery schedules) and this Website (including its Content, hardware, software, and links), including any express or implied warranties as to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, title, timeliness, non-infringement, results, accuracy, completeness, accessibility, compatibility, security, and freedom from computer virus.
The Company will not be liable for any damages or losses, including direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages, including without limitation damages for lost profits, goodwill, use, data, or other tangible or intangible losses, in connection with use of the Service, the internet, this Website, its Content, or its links, however caused, whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Company will not be a party to and will have no responsibility or liability for, any transaction negotiated or arranged by a User arising in connection with the Service or this Website.
In any event, if any of the above provisions in this Section are not enforceable in an applicable jurisdiction, the maximum liability of the Company will be limited to, in the sole discretion of the Company, either the (1) correction or deletion of any inaccurate Content or link; or (2) refund of any fees (excluding Customs Fees) for the Service received by the Company from User.
E. Indemnification
Each User will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents, and any of its licensors, website partners, or contractors from any demands, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses or harms, including attorney’s fees, arising in connection with User’s actions or omissions, including use of the Service or this Website, online conduct, breach of these Terms, or dealings or transactions with other persons resulting from use of this Website.
5. Service Requirements and Obligations
A. Authorized and Prohibited Uses
The user may use the Service for the non-commercial and commercial package and mail shipments provided that User’s packages and mail do not violate any laws (including export, transportation, and importation laws) in all the relevant jurisdictions.
B. Authority to Act as User’s Acceptance & Customs Clearance Agent
The Service requires that the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and agents accept, transport, import, and (when applicable) deliver User’s packages and mail shipments.
By accepting electronically (for example, by clicking “I Agree”), using this Website, or using the Service (for example, by sending a package or mail to the provided US address), you authorize the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and agents to act as User’s agent for the purpose of acceptance, transportation (whether by own equipment, or by a third party), importation (“Customs Clearance”) and delivery of all packages and mail shipments sent to the provided global forwarding address.
Moreover, User acknowledges and authorizes that the Company may make declarations based on the information provided by the User or found within the package or mail shipment and can accept valuations on the User’s behalf (with or without User’s knowledge) if such required information is not available or forthcoming.
C. Global Forwarding Address Requirements and Limitations
By registering to use the Service and this Website, User will be assigned a unique account number (“Mailbox #”) and one or more global forwarding addresses.
The user will ship packages and mail to any of the assigned global forwarding addresses using the formatting provided on this Website.
Global forwarding addresses are subject to change from time to time and are effective immediately upon posting to this Website.
The Company will endeavor to post a notice of change of address for a period of thirty (30) days prior to any such change in address becoming effective.
Each User will be solely responsible for updating/correcting any address formatting errors or omissions and will not hold the Company responsible for packages and mail that do not arrive at the intended global forwarding address.
The Company may in its discretion assist User in retrieving undelivered shipment and/or shipments sent to the wrong address.
User acknowledges and agrees to repay any additional fees that may arise in respect to assistance provided by the Company to retrieve undelivered shipment or shipments sent to the wrong address.
D. Import and Export Regulations and Limitations (Forwarding Country)
At the sole risk of User, the User may ship packages and mail to the assigned global forwarding address from a third country provided that the shipment complies with all applicable export regulations of the third country and all applicable import regulations of the country hosting the intended global forwarding address.
Moreover, the Company will not be a party to and will have no responsibility in such transactions.
Packages shipped to the intended global forwarding country from a third country may require the services of a Customs Broker and/or may incur Customs duty charges which fall outside of the scope of the Service provided by the Company to the User.
The Company may in its discretion assist User in retrieving shipments from Customs in the country hosting the global forwarding address.
User acknowledges and agrees to repay any additional fees that may arise in respect to assistance provided by the Company to retrieve shipments being held at Customs in the country hosting the global forwarding address. The user will notify the Company promptly of packages being shipped to the global forwarding address that has a value exceeding $2,500 USD or requiring a validated export license.
E. Receiving, Acceptance, and Refusal of User’s Packages and Mail
The Company will receive all packages and mail delivered to the global forwarding address by courier or post only if forwarded from an online store.
Receiving or signing for packages and mail on behalf of user does not constitute the Company’s acceptance of the package or mail.
Acceptance of packages and mail is subject to inspection at the Company discretion.
The Company is obligated to carry out a visual inspection of all external package (not from an online store).
Any damage found will be noted, however, the Company is not obligated to verify the integrity of the contents.
All User’s of our service acknowledges that inspections carried out by the Company are for the sole purpose of determining whether the contents of the User’s package or mail can be shipped by air or by ocean.
User’s of our service shall not hold the Company liable for damage to the contents of a package or mail whether the Company ought to have known that such damage was likely to occur or not.
The Company may in it’s discretion refuse any package or mail and will notify User promptly of the reason for refusing the package or mail.
The user will cooperate promptly with all reasonable requests of the Company to resolve instances where packages or mail have been refused.
Refused packages and mail will be held in storage for a maximum of thirty (30) days prior to disposal by the Company.
The Company may in it’s discretion assist User in returning refused shipments, User acknowledges and agrees to prepay any additional fees that may arise in respect to assistance provided by the Company to return such shipments to the vendor.
F. Hazardous Materials and Restricted Commodities
The Service may not be used for restricted commodities including hazardous materials, live animals, perishable items, human remains, wet cargo, precious metals, cash, monetary instruments, high-value jewelry, manuscripts, etc.
Hazardous materials include, but are not limited to explosives; gases (compressed, deeply refrigerated, liquefied or dissolved under pressure); flammable and combustible liquids; flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances that on contact with water emit flammable gases; oxidizing substances; organic peroxides, poisonous (toxic) and infectious substances; radioactive nuclear substances; corrosives; miscellaneous products, substances or organisms which may reasonably be considered to be dangerous to life, health, property or the environment when handled, offered for transport by air or transported by air; goods that are otherwise by their nature or quantity either singly or collectively are liable to endanger life or imperil property.
International Civil Aviation Organization regulations generally forbid the carriage of hazardous materials aboard aircraft.
The user may not cause or attempt to cause the Company to receive, inspect or forward by air any package containing hazardous materials; Moreover, User will be solely liable for all damages that may arise from any accidents or incidents involving hazardous materials.
G. Import Regulations and Restrictions (Home Country)
At the sole risk of User, the User may ship packages and mail to the assigned global forwarding address for reship to their home country, provided that those shipments comply with all applicable laws, quotas, restrictions and permit/licensing requirements of the intended destination country.
The User acknowledges that the Company is not in the business of providing professional advice regarding applicable import laws, quotas, restrictions and permit/licensing requirements of the intended destination country.
The Company does not vet shipments arriving at the assigned global forwarding address to determine whether shipments meet such import laws, quotas, restrictions or permit/licensing requirements, therefore User shall consult the services of the competent Authority in the intended home country for advice regarding applicable import laws, quotas, restrictions and permit/licensing requirements and shall obtain any applicable permits/licenses that may be necessary to import such shipments into the intended home country prior to sending such shipments to the assigned global forwarding address.
The user will cooperate with all reasonable requests of the Company to provide permits or licenses where necessary and will notify the Company promptly upon obtaining such permits and licenses.
The Company will promptly notify the User upon learning of any actual or suspected breaches of any applicable import laws, quotas, restrictions and permit/licensing requirements.
The Company will not be a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability in cases where User is found in breach of applicable import laws, quotas, restrictions, and permit/licensing requirements.
The user will notify the Company promptly where User’s shipment requires special tax treatments with respect to tax exemptions and tax allowances and shall provide all applicable completed supporting documents to the Company.
H. Customs Inspection, Valuation, Clearance, Storage, and Disposal
The Service requires that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and various other external Authorities in the intended destination country be given unrestricted access to inspect User’s shipments as deemed necessary to safe guard the destination countries’ border, people, livestock, agriculture, etc.
By using the Service, you authorize CBP, its agents, and any other Government Authority, and their agents to inspect User’s shipments and if necessary, to detain, confiscate, or destroy shipments that pose a threat to that countries national security.
In such cases each User will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company from any demands, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses or harms, including attorney’s fees, arising in connection with inspecting, detaining, confiscating, storing, and destroying such shipments.
The Company will promptly notify the User upon learning of a shipment being detained, confiscated, or destroyed.
The user will indemnify, and hold harmless the Company and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any demands, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses or harms, including attorney’s fees, arising in connection with errors or acts of omissions on Customs declarations.
Moreover, User will indemnify, and hold harmless the Company for any errors made or acts of omissions made by Customs in respect to the valuation of shipments.
I. Service Rates and Payment Requirements
The Company publishes Service rates on this Website.
These rates are subject to change from time to time and are effective immediately upon posting.
Therefore, User is advised to review these rates occasionally or at least every thirty (30) days.
The Company will endeavor to post a notice of the change to the Service rates for a period of thirty (30) days prior to any such change becoming effective.
The Company will invoice the User on a per package/mail basis for the Service in USD.
Invoices will at the sole discretion of the Company show the user’s home currency equivalent and shall be based on the prevailing exchange rate of the invoice date. Invoices are due upon receipt.
The user will be allowed a five (7) day grace period to settle open invoices.
Storage fees may accrue after the five (7) day grace period has expired.
Packages/Mail with invoices that are not settled within thirty (30) days of the invoice date will be considered forfeited by the user and will be disposed of at the sole discretion of the Company.
The user will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company from any demands, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses or harms, including attorney’s fees, arising in connection with the disposal of forfeited packages/mail.
J. Insurance
The Company does not provide an insurance coverage for packages or mail however users are always encouraged to opt into an external insurance program if one is provided by the online store.
Where a User opts out of the online store insurance program D. E. S will not take liability for damaged packages or mail, This include televisions and or any piece of glass or breakable object etc.
Any package or mail with a declared value over $1,000 USD must be insured and the User must notify the Company promptly if insurance coverage was purchased otherwise the package or mail will not be shipped.
Where the company checks a package and found that it is damaged the company will report to the User accordingly, the User will not hold the company responsible for the damage and should not expect the company to replace the ackage or mail nor should the user look to the company to provide any form of compensation.
Please be advised that insurance fee is excluded from our service charge, we don’t knowingly collect any form of insurance fee as we do not provide such service, All packages shipped with D. E. S are shipped at the User’s risk.
In the event you are charged a insurance fee, you are responsible to make a report to the company and identify the agent to which the fee is paid.
K. Claims Process and Limitations
The user may file a claim on lost packages, as well as on missing items from a package.
Claims for lost packages received by the Company but not forwarded to the home country must be filed within thirty (30) days of the arrival notification at the assigned global forwarding address.
Claims for lost packages stored by the Company in a Customs bonded warehouse or in-store must be filed within thirty (30) days of the Customs hold or ready for pickup notification.
Claims for missing items from a package must be filed at the time of package delivery to the User.
User shall provide supporting documentation and evidence confirming the safe delivery of the package to substantiate claims and where an item was missing, User shall return the original package to the company.
The user will cooperate with all reasonable requests of the Company for information pertaining to a filed claim.
Claims may take up to 30 days to be processed.
The Company will reimburse User by cheque or direct deposit for approved claims.
The amount reimbursed will be the lowest of the following: Declared value on the invoice attached to this website, declared value on the invoice found on/in the package, or declared value on the invoice included with the claim (packages without an invoice will be valued at no more than $100 USD).
Please note D. E. S will not stand liability for items that can’t be located due to the incorrect name being place on the package/s, before all shipment ensure the shipping address is correct and is as shown in the account area.
Failure to comply may result in complete loss of package/s or delayed shipment.
L. Personal Items
Ques. What are personal items?
Ans. Personal items are categorized as any packages shipped from a residential address to our address.
Please note we do not support personal items.
All packages must be shipped directly from a online store.
Any Item found within our possession that is believed to be shipped from a residential address will be disregarded and put aside.
It will then be the user responsibility to contact the warehouse in Miami, FL and either pay for a return shipment to the residential address or make arrangements to pick up the package.
6. Invoice
A. Customs Processing
All packages entering or leaving the island requires and invoice in order to be processed at customs, failure to upload your invoice to the website on time will result in your packages being left at customs until you submit your invoice which we will then make clearance upon our next clearance date, please be advised that D. E. S, our partners or affiliates will not take liability for any storage fees incurred for packages left at customs after 5 days, any storage fee incurred must be payed in full and upfront before your package can be cleared.
B. Mismatched Informattion or No Invoice
D. E. S reserves the rights to open your package(s) or permit customs to open your package(s) to verify if it contains an invoice or to verify the item and look up it’s original value amount if your invoice is found to be tampered with or does not match the item purchased or does not reflect the quantity of items purchased.
C. Gift & Promotions
There are some cases where you may get a gift from a vendor and you may be unable to provide an invoice or you may be given a promotion where your invoice reflects $0.00. In such case D. E. S reserves the right to aid customs with looking up the free item and assigning it’s correct value to it for processing, if the value is found to exceed the threshold then you will be held responsible for paying the assigned duty amount produced by customs.
7 Miscellaneous
A. Separate Terms and Conditions
In connection with User’s use of particular ancillary Services and/or access to Content contained in certain areas of this Website, it may be necessary for User to consent to policies or terms and conditions in addition to the Terms set forth herein, which User should read carefully before making any use of such Content or areas of this Website. Any such additional terms and conditions will not vary or replace these Terms regarding any use of the Service or this Website, unless otherwise expressly stated.
B. Privacy Policy
The Company is concerned about privacy and has developed a policy to address privacy concerns.
The user can find the current privacy policy Here
The Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated into these Terms by reference and constitutes a part of these Terms.
C. Dispute Resolution; Applicable Law and Forum
With respect to any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Service or this Website or these Terms (including without limitation the Privacy Policy), the Company and User agree to negotiate in good faith and undertake reasonable efforts to cooperate with one another in order to achieve a mutually satisfactory resolution.
The Company has no obligation to become involved in any dispute between a User and any other person.
The Service, this Website, these Terms, and any dispute arising in connection therewith shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Jamaica without regard to its conflict of law principles in any other jurisdiction.
The Company and User agree that all disputes arising under this agreement will be settled exclusively through confidential binding arbitration in Montego Bay, Jamaica, by a sole arbitrator nominated by agreement of the parties through the Dispute Resolution Foundation.
The arbitrator´s award shall be binding and may be entered as a judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction.
User agrees that the Company is entitled to obtain preliminary injunctive relief to the extent allowed by law to enforce any of the provisions of these Terms pending a final arbitrarily decision.
D. Modification of Terms, Etc.
These Terms constitute the complete agreement between the parties with respect to their subject matter and supersede any prior agreement or communication.
These Terms are subject to change from time to time and are effective immediately upon posting.
The Company will endeavor to post a notice of any changes to these Terms for a period of thirty (30) days following any such modifications.
Therefore, User is advised to review these Terms occasionally or at least every thirty (30) days. User’s continued use of the Service, this Website, subsequent to the Company’s notice of modification of these Terms, shall constitute User´s acceptance of the modified Terms.
If any provision of these Terms shall be found to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the other provisions of these Terms, or the whole of these Terms, but such provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to render such provision enforceable, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly, preserving to the fullest permissible extent the intent and agreements set forth in these Terms.
The parties hereto are separate and distinct, and this agreement is not intended to create and does not create an agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between the parties nor do these Terms extend to any third party. User´s obligations pursuant to these Terms shall survive termination of the Service, this Website, any use of this Website, any Content provided by User on this Website, and/or these Terms.
E. Contact Information
Address: 43 Union Street, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica.
Email: info@dufairyexpressshipping.com
Phone: +876-782-6918